16 June 2010


Sean's Russia Blog does a round-up on the violence in Kyrgyzstan. And a follow-up. Al Jazeera also does up a primer and follow-up reporting on causes and victims of the violence.

Etienne Balibar declares Europe dead.

Those NYT graphics folks won't stop: the evolution of the World Cup ball. (Via.)

Finally I can fill that space on my bookshelf next to H.L. Mencken's The American Language & TAL: Supplement One. The Dictionary of American Regional English is coming soon!

Can't decide whether or not to put the new Anne Carson on my to-read list.

Vinay Lal has a nice appreciation of Teshome Gabriel up at his blog. This is the best part:
He was, shall we say, a distinctive presence in every way, not least of all because in Los Angeles’s very mild winter he dressed as one might in Chicago or Minnesota in the middle of a snow-storm, and even on a slightly warm day he usually wore a thick scarf around his neck. It is characteristic of Teshome that, in nearly the seventeen years that I knew him, I do not ever recall hearing him utter the word “research”. When we met, he might ask, ‘What are you reading these days?’, or ‘What are you writing?’ It is difficult to convey, to those who think that research is the task of a research university, but have never quite bothered to ask whether most of what passes for research is even worth the paper on which it is written, never mind the millions squandered on such utterly useless things as surveys, questionnaires, and the economist’s mindless models, just how refreshing it was to be in the company of someone who never quite bothered with research. Teshome had, I believe, come around to the view that most of research is in fact inimical to thinking, but it is necessary only to accept that ‘research’ was far from his mind. He was interested principally in thinking and storytelling.
Atlantic Food is usually useless, but this reflection on pickling onions has me thinking about new relishes.


New film of Yuri Kochiyama and Angela Davis in conversation (via):

Germany runs a clinic on four different beautiful ways to knock in a goal: